Summary: Hitchcock Pinnacle is not shown on LiDAR. It is seen if you have access to the actual LiDAR point data. Details: Hitchcock Pinnacle is a small rock pinnacle situated just SE of the Windy Point parking lot on the Mount Lemmon highway. It is perhaps less than 100 square feet in area, and roughly 30 or 40 feet high. It is completely missed by the one meter LiDAR contours shown on Supporting info: Drone video: Location: Hitchcock PinnacleLOJ.jpg Steetview: contours: Hitchcock Pinnacle Windy Point Tucson.jpg (Doug Melton) Here are my two maps using classified and unclassified data. The classified map does not show the presence of the pinnacle, yet the unclassified data shows that it does exist. The data on the website has been massaged, sometimes too heavily. Andy I think the relative relief you described is present and the general configuration is there. (John Kirk) Bare earth model rendering of LiDAR is likely stripping out everything but ground points (classification '2'). I think the online viewer is good for general takeaways, but to get precise elevations and factor in rock features I'd definitely want to look at the LiDAR tiles with software and have control over which point classes are in/out of analysis since boulders, pillars, talus are usually a '1' classification (undefined).