Notes on the FRL_Stats.xls Excel spreadsheet. Andy Martin Nov. 5, 2004 1. USAGE The file FRL_Stats.xls is an Excel spreadsheet, located at then select the Excell FRL Statistics Computer link. You can also try going directly to It is 660K in size, a zipped version of 178K is also at this location. It lists all 3140 counties in the USA (but not Washington DC). The user marks a 1 in the "Visit" column for counties they have hiked. They can also mark a 1 in the Glob column if they are tracking a collection of adjacent counties. To erase a mistaken entry use delete - do not replace it with a space. The spreadsheet will automatically total various attributes in blue numbers. These include count, total area, and several other statistics. To mark many entries in a state (if you have completed TX, for example ;) mark the first row 1. Add the glob "1" if this state is in your glob. Highlight the one(s), and then "copy". Highlight the rest of the rows for the state (rows 2 through last for state). Select "paste". If the FRL_Stats.xls file is enhanced in the future, but still has 3140 counties in the same row order, you will be able to cut and paste your old spreadsheet hiked and glob info into the new file. You can sort the data columns as you please. However, the standard order is produced by sorting states in alphabetical order of postal names, and then sorting counties alphabetically within a state. There are a couple ways to do this: A. Data ==> Sort Sort by State then by County OK B. Use the AZ sort tool on the standard toolbar. Click topmost county, then click AZ Click topmost state. then click AZ Note that this does not match the ordering produced by FIPS code sorting on the county and state codes. Tip: If you want to have the column headers stay in place while scrolling down, click in the cell under "Visit", then Window ==> Freeze Panes ==> Finally, those tracking second glob areas can choose to display hidden column "C". 2. SOURCE INFO FOR AREAS. This info came from a spreadsheet provided by Rik Dunham. The areas include water, while the World Almanac is land only. This does not make much of a difference - the 50 Largest list stays the same (though the order is slightly different), and most counties see only a 1% increase. Counties that border ocean or lakes can get quite a bit more than this, and even double their area. Should someone desire to use the World Almanac figures, they could be entered into the spreadsheet in a new column. 3. SOURCE INFO FOR COUNTY NAMES AND FIPS CODES. This info was also in Rik's spreadsheet. Many errors were found and fixed: NC Greene county spelled wrong (fixed) VA Clifton Forge & South Boston still included (removed) Williamsburg missing (added) TN Loudon county on 3 rows. This was fixed, and all states checked to be sure they had proper number of counties. However, the names, codes, and area info was not checked. SC Pickens on two rows. Several other multiple row entries removed. RI Had all county names wrong (fixed) GA had some mix up with MA. (fixed) AK and HI info missing. Names added from World Almanac, FIPS codes and total (water + land) areas added from online info. DC was deleted. Broomfield CO was added. Finally ran a "diff" between Rik's list and another listing of the US cohps. Perhaps 10 more invalid or poorly spelled names were discovered and fixed, many in Ohio. The name info is probably solid now. Hopefully the FIPS codes and areas are pretty good as well. 4. ADDING ADDITIONAL CATEGORIES Note: Changing county names, stste names, or adding/removing a county (currently 3140 of them) may change the standard sorting order, and make it impossible for users to transfer data in from previous versions of FRL_Stats.xls. Please do not do this unless absolutely necessary. At the current time FRL_Stats.xls is considered stable. Contact Andy at to report bug fixes or suggest additions. The file FRL_Extra.xls can be used for adding additional categories or statistics. Look at the file ChangeLog.txt to see if file is available for editing. If it is, modify Changelog.txt to record your lock of the file, and give your name and email. The Excel version I used dates from 1997. Hopefully newer versions can use my output, and the output of newer versions can be used by the 1997 Excel. It will be best not to add the latest 2004 Excel features to the spreadsheet. To add a category: A. Add new data column in COMPUTATIONS AND DATABASE section. B. Add title and comment for this data column. C. Add data to data column. D. Add data summation box (row 7) if appropriate. Assuming your new column is "Z" then formula will be =SUM(Z12:Z3151) E. Add users summation box (row 8). It will have an equation of the type =SUMPRODUCT($A12:$A3151, Z12:Z3151 where Z is your data column, and 12 and 3151 are start and end of the county rows. Note that steps D and E can be made easier by copying the box immediately left of your new work, and then minor edits of the equation as needed. F. Test your work. G. Upload your file, both as the new FRL_Extra.xls, and with an incremented version number. H. Modify ChangeLog.txt to note changes made, and to allow others to modify file. Notes: adding things like purity statistics may take multiple data columns. Adding info like National Park counts for counties only is possible. However, to add all parks will probably make the spreadsheet hard to maintain and sort, so please don't do this without an OK from the spreadsheet maintainer. 5. POSSIBLE ENHANCEMENTSS Find someone to serve as maintainer contact person. Add more data columns and FRL categories: Super, Presidential, Indian, 3 state & Twofer counties. He Man counties and 5K gain counties 300' summit counties (big project) Multiple area cohps. Compute cohp total for completed states. Partial listings for N. Park and N. Forest HP cohps. Make the "Visit" column some sort of boolean. Best would be if the user could toggle entry with mouse. If this is not possible, perhaps add data check to insure only valid entry is "1" or DELETE. Adjust areas upwards as needed. A few counties in the listing provided by Rik Dunham had multiple areas for certain counties. Some of these have been summed, but this was not done for 100% of the counties. Get rid of gray line marking hidden columns. Lock data (is this needed ??)