Grant County Highpoint Trip Report

Date: August 22, 2007
Author: Don Desrosiers

These two points are in Dolly Sods which is apparently from a proto-Algonquin phrase "dah-HAH-lay sha-HADZ-uh". This is believed to translate to "No dry socks", although more modern linguistic scholarship suggests it may mean "Another wet area in the trail? sh-HADZ-uh!" (The last word has no exact English translation in this context.) I was in rain and/or clouds most of the day with minimal views.

Northern point. Parked at Bear Rocks, put a bear bell on me and one on the dog, and headed down TR522 (shown on topo). In 1 mile, reach Dobbins Grade Trail (goes to the left) at the 3818 spot elevation. Turn right along the old railroad grade (unblazed) for 1.8 miles to the obvious 4-way. Turn left for 1/2 mile to the high spot in the jeep road then maybe 200 feet to the right up through the rocks to the HP. Found a very small cairn and left it as a small cairn (feel free to add to it or move it). Not a hard one to get to this one, just a 7-mile round-trip. Southern point (Bell Knob). Fred Lobdell's direction are exactly correct.