Jefferson County High Point Trip Report
spot elevation 4700 ft SSW of Wilson Gap (1,713 ft)
Date: April 30, 2001
Author: Michael Schwartz
Ron Tagliapietra's approach and report are still accurate. I looked at other approaches from the east, but
either roads petered out or became private property. If someone were to obtain permission to hike directly
to Wilson Gap from the landowners up the hill past the end of CR 761, this hike would be much shorter
and easier, eliminating the climb north out of Wilson Gap on the return.
Some additional information: Distance from CR 719 to Hiker's Hostel, via CR 713 is 2.2 miles. The
"highest point on the trail," as mentioned by R on, is not obvious. When the ridge crest to the right looks
highest, it's time to bushwhack to the crest. There are several rock humps that are of roughly equal
elevation, and my favorite had a cairn on top consisting of a basketball-sized boulder and several large
dead wooden snags. There were no white blazes from the abandoned A.T. route at that point, but they
started up about 200 yards north, followed the route described by Ron, and were hard to pick up on the
ascent, as he described.