Jefferson County Highpoint Trip Report
Date: June 12, 2004
Author: Don Desrosiers
Came in from the south, off of VA 7. In the town of Round Hill, turn north on Main Street, a.k.a. Route 719.
In 2.8 miles, turn left onto Appalachian Trail Road. As noted, this is initially paved but becomes gravel.
Follow the PATC signs toward Blackburn Center. At 5.0 miles, park at the parking area on the left.
There is another, slightly smaller one about 1/10 mile ahead but the first one is easier to use.
Walk uphill to the Blackburn Center. Take the blue-blazed trail on the left (the one on the right is steeper).
At top of hill, turn left (south) onto the Appalachian Trail. Easy walk and previous directions are reasonable.
Past Wilson Gap (steep drop onto obviously overgrown road), head uphill. After a limited view
on the right, trail will head downhill with ridge on your right. About when it feels right, head uphill to the
ridge and follow to the highest point. Seemed reasonably obvious to me.
As an aside, the state line in this area was not officially surveyed until the late 1990's (98?).
The top is relatively flat and the border follows the highest point.
There are small brass markers to designate the actual line.
I managed to find one but definitely had to look for it (right off the side of the trail).
Looked for more but couldn't find them.