Mercer County High Point Trip Report
Buckhorn Knob - USGS BM (4,069 ft)
Date: May 31, 2001
Author: Mike Schwartz
Permission of the owner is required to climb this mountain. Contact Mr. Bob Gilvary, 14 Oxenford Road,
Bluefield, WV 24701. Telephone: 304-327-6682. I wrote Mr. Gilvary, who responded by phone. He has
no problem with our group members accessing his property, as long as we get advance permission. He is
very familiar with the area, and provided accurate directions for the easiest hiking route. He let us park at
the gate of his log yard, just before the posted cul-de-sac at the end of the paved approach road.
From US 52 in North Gap, VA, drive east on CR 613 to its abrupt dead end after six miles. Here, the gravel
road shown on the topo as continuing east up the valley is gated, posted, and there is a large no parking sign
at the end of the pavement. Park, with permission, at the gate of the Gilginia Tree Farm log yard.
The gated dirt road continues up the valley within earshot of the stream, but soon climbs south and east up
to the ridge line of Buckhorn Mountain, probably just east of spot elevation 3682. This jeep road is on the
topo. We never saw the road shown on the topo that proceeds up the Dry Fork River Valley toward Jesse's
Knob. Just stay on the main road and eventually crest the ridge, where a derelict bread truck graces the
scene. Turn left at the truck and follow a track road northeast along the ridge line until it ends at a
turnaround, about 200 yards short of the summit. Stay on the ridge line, avoiding rhododendrons, and see
flat ground with a small cairn about twelve feet from a five-foot high boulder. Benchmark Buckhorn is
under the cairn. Allow 2 1/2 hours round trip.