Preston County High Point Trip Report
one area on Backbone Mtn (3,400+ ft)
Date: June 2, 2001
Author: Michael Schwartz
We parked at the pullouts for the signed and orange blazed Backbone Mountain trail along US 219, then
hiked 1.8 miles south along 219 to the gated forest service road that climbs to the ridge crest. Ignore the
first gated forest service road passed on the left. When the forest road crosses a pipeline right of way,
follow the pipeline directly uphill to the crest. Bushwhack about 1/4 mile SW over rocky and mossy terrain
to the well-defined high point at a clump of boulders. From here most hikers will retrace the route to US 219.
If also doing the MD high point, continue NE, being sure to stay on the ridge crest, eventually reaching the
power line about 1/2 mile NE. The bushwhacking is not too bad, and in some places, the woods open up.
Near the crest under the power line, a good woods road descends NE, ending at a low saddle from which a
poorer track bears left, crossing to the north side of the ridge. Intersect a rocky woods road heading NE,
which stays high on the north side of the ridge and eventually intersects the orange blazed Backbone
Mountain Trail to the MD high point. The trail passes a short spur to MD-WV boundary marker #3, then
reaches the MD high point, which has been cleared. There are numerous amenities at the summit, including
a register. We followed the orange trail down to the car. The loop hike took about two hours.