Tyler County High Point Trip Report

Date: December 5, 2001
Author: Mike Schwartz

one area 1/4 mile northeast of McElroy (1,500+ ft)

I approached this area from the west on CR 13/Indian Creek Road. Distance from WV 18 to the junction at BM 900, just west of Dale, is 11.8 miles. At the junction, continue east onto the gravel extension (sign?) of CR 13. Pass Lyons Cemetery at 0.6 miles, climb, and reach fork at a house at 1.8 miles. I spoke to a hunter walking the road, and he said there was no problem with my hiking to the highpoint.

I parked and hiked the short distance to the saddle, but a passenger car could make the drive. From the saddle, it's a straightforward, steep, 15 minute bushwhack east through open beech woods to the summit.

two areas - 3/4 mile east and 3/4 mile north of McElroy (1,500+ ft)

Backtrack to the junction just west of Dale. Take the paved CR 15, signed for Lewis Wetzel WMA (but highpoints are on private property), north 1.1 miles to the saddle, where there is lots of room to park. This saddle is about 6 1/2 miles south of Jacksonburg on WV 20.

The better dirt roads leading from this crest are heavily posted, but the steep path southeast, then east, to the northern area is only generically posted at the saddle. From the summit, follow woods road and game paths, keeping track of intermediate knobs, to a steep final climb to the southern area. I saw no other postings and no hunting stands. One hour round trip.