Wirt County High Point Trip Report
Ruble Knob, USGS BM Owl (1,320+ ft)
Date: December 4, 2001
Author: Mike Schwartz
From the junction of WV 5/53, east of Elizabeth, go 4.8 miles southeast on WV 5 to Chestnut Road/CR 35-6.
Zero your odometer. Bear left onto 35-6, pass road left to Owl Hill School at 1.7 miles, and reach
a T-shaped intersection at 2.8 miles at the historic log Ruble Church.
This church was built in 1835, and has a most interesting replica sign reading
"All are welcome here except those of Northern Principles, Aaron Ruble, Founder."
Drive left uphill to crest at 3.1 miles. This point is just east of knob at 1252 feet.
A dirt road, not shown on the topo, goes left from here, and heads northeast toward Ruble Knob,
staying some 50 feet below the ridge crest.
I hiked the road, which descends initially, but passenger cars could drive as far as the oil wells at the base of
Ruble Knob. From there the 4WD road climbs steeply to the south shoulder of the knob. At the crest go
left on a dirt road up the south ridge, and very soon bear left onto a cut path to the summit. BM Owl 1944
easy to spot, embedded in concrete in a cast iron pipe. Reference mark Owl 1 nearby,
but points away from BM Owl. The last cut path to the summit is posted specifically against hunting and ATV's.
Twenty minutes to summit from crest above Ruble Church.