Fremont County High Point Trip Report

Gannett Peak

Date: July 24, 2001
Author: Scott Casterlin

Most of our group summited but I held back because of sloppy conditions at the crux bergschrund. We had easy success in 1997, but this year's low snow pack and warm temps exposed the glacier ice early and opened the crevasses and bergschrunds. Be ready for very slushy snow, boulder hopping, and hidden crevasses. The crux snow bridge, just below the Gooseneck Pinnacle was ready to break. Also, be ready for easy 4th class rock scrambling just above it, with no problems beyond that point.

If coming from Titcomb, plan on a long day with a very steep snow-free climb to Bonney Pass and icy sections down its north side. Some strong groups backpack all the way to the pass from Titcomb.

If coming from Dinwoody creek, be ready for a half-mile of boulder hopping above the moraine.

It's a tough multiple-day trip in and several parties were tiring, giving up, or freaking from the conditions up high, but others were having no problem at all. Strength and experience will help. Watch the cold afternoon storms, lighten your pack as much as is practicable, and look out for the crevasses.