Washakie Needles Summit Register *

* compiled by John Mitchler

In early 2012, Dave Covill obtained the summit register for Washakie Needle, WY, from Steve Martin & Layne Bracy. Dave passed it along to me for preservation in either the HP Club archives or the Colorado Mountain Club summit register files. This particular summit register is historic. It is a thick stack of 8” x 5” paper, bound at the top with a 1” leather strip and 3 metal pins. Only half the pages have registrations.

Overall, it is in fair shape, considering its age, with some water and mold damage. The entries are mostly in pencil which makes them difficult to read. Below I’ve tried to copy exactly how each entry was made, using brackets to show my comments.

A loose (unbound) page has the header: "UWOCC Register, Washakie Needle, 12,496 ft, first ascent unknown.
Entries on this sheet include name, date, address, route:

Keith Becker, 9-2-57, Thermopolis, NW Ridge from Col[?]
Gayle Stolheim, 9-2-57, Buresford SD, " "

Keith Becker[?], 8-30-59, Thermopolis, North face
Jerry? Peterson, 8-30-59, Shineshery[?] England, North face
Jerry Becker, 8-30-59, Thermopolis WY, "
Chuck Becker, 8-30-59, Thermopolis WY, "

The bound register's first page has the header: "Washakie Needle, 12,496’, Casper Mountaineers, July 23, 1976."

PAGE 1 . . . . . .

Tim Wagoner II, NW Ridge, solo ascent
Parnell Taylor, 9-7-75, N.W from saddle
Michael Shepardson, 9-7-75, N.W. from saddle
        [Illegible correction made on 9-28-91]

Michael Shepardson, 8-29-76, NW Ridge
David Peck, 8-29-76

Jerry Tehring, Kinnear Wyo, 8-27-77, NW Ridge
Jack R Draxler [both written and signed], Kinnear Wyoming, 8-27-77, NW Ridge

Dennis [illegible], Pavillion Wyo, 8-27-77, NW Ridge
Ms. Nancy K. Jones, Pavillion Wyo, 8-27-77, NW. Ridge

PAGE 2 . . . . . .

8-22-81, David Trahan, Worland WY, NW ridge from saddle from end of road up Rock Creek. 3 ˝ hours to saddle. 2 hrs up from there.
No other comments needed, if you’re reading this – you know why I climbed up here.
8-22-81, Richard Schoerbeck [?], Worland WY

7-24-83, Mrs Ruth E. B.Kirkpatrick, Timber Creek Wyoming
              Robert S. [illegible]

7-19-84, Bruce A. Rath, lately of Casper Wyo, Think I’ll head up to Pilot Peak from here for some more of this.

9-2-84, Larry Amundson, Ocean Lake WY
              Peter Crane, Lander WY

Solid Rock Outdoor Ministries climbed this peak July 19, 1987, Mad Pierre alias Mike Bynum of Riverton Wyo (via NW Ridge)
party included
7-19-87, Dennis V[?] Decker[?], Kinnear Wy, 87[?] HP
This climb is commited to the glory of God and dedicated to the memory of Terry Beudine. He planned to be here with us today.
But he was killed 12-27-86. He was a man well suited to the description of I Timothy 3:18
7-19-87 Verrica[?] R Trimble Jr

PAGE 3 . . . . . .

9-28-91, Parnell Taylor and William S. Hunt
climbed SW couloirs to eye via very rotten chimney last 200 feet, Killed 2 griz on approach but settled to serious climbing.
We claim the 1st ascent until some proves otherwise.

9-12-92, Parnell Taylor, Bill Hunt, Ron Demit[?], by NW Ridge, F.R.O.G. Patrol

11-14-92, NW Ridge after climbing N pk. We are off to Dome. 2pm.

Parnell Taylor
Bill Hunt
My dad told me the name of the peak where [illegible] when I was 8 [illegible] 42 [illegible]

PAGE 4 . . . . . .

[continued from page 3] have been 67. I dedicate this hard climb to Chas. G. Taylor homsteader NE of Pavillion. R.I.P.

12-29-93, Mike Bynum “Mad Pierre”, William Hunt, Parnell Taylor
FROG Patrol, First Winter Ascent, Praise the Lord

9-25-94, Matt Farson, Lander Wyoming
              Bill Calder, Lander Wyoming
We thought it was about time someone other than Bill Hunt Parnell Taylor climbed this thing. Wonderful views.
We were as slow as the Dave guy from Worland via N Face.

PAGE 5 . . . . . .

10-12-96, Mike Bynum (aka Mad Pierre), 6yrs, 3rd ascent, F.R.O.G.
Parnell Taylor, 46 yrs, F.R.O.G. – old
Windy but on summit was warm. Beautiful. #6 [illegible] 21 years.
Gabe Harris, 18 yrs, too young to be [illegible]

8-31-97, Bob Packard, Flagstaff AZ

Counted 40 ascents since 1957
P. Taylor 6 ascents
Bill Hunt 4
Mike Bynum 3
Keith Becker 2
Replace old register tube today

PAGE 6 . . . . . .

Tom Turiano
Joe Hartney
Dave Moore
NW Ridge

Left Jackson at 4:30 am – arrive on summit 5:15 pm.
Parked at East Fork of Wind River trailhead [illegible] over ridge near County Peak.

Good Job guys! [arrow points to entry above], 1st ascent from west.
Parnell Taylor, FROG Patrol, Riverton W [?]
Left Rock Creek 5 am climb[?] Taylor pt on saddle then down at 9am, N Summit 2pm,
South Summit 8:30 pm, 307-837-6117, first to do all 5 peaks in one day

PAGE 7 . . . . . .

Dave Covill, Wyoming county highpoint #21 / 23
John Drew Mitchler, WY cohp #16 of #23, fixed line from notch with chockstone, no snow or ice, grizzly
Jobe Wymore, Salt Lake City, Utah
“Also Greg Griffith, who the lead[sic] climb!”

PAGE 8 . . . . . .

6-18-05 FROG Patrol
Parnell Taylor #8[?]
John Oglietti
Riverton & Jackson [arrow pointing from John to Jackson]
John and I climbed Denali together 1994.
First climb 1975, 24 yr old.
1st documented Spring climb.
I was first to climb all four seasons. This place is sacred to me since I was 8 yr old.
This is my last climb my anniversary 30th year of my 1st. Take care of this place.

PAGE 9 . . . . . .

Jay Pattyn, Riverton WY
R. Kottcamp – nice one!

Jerry Becker, 49 yr anniversary
Erick Becker
Register soaking wet.

Luke Plumley, Loveland CO, Grizzly playground!
Mike Offerman, Windsor CO
D. Brooks, Niwot CO
Steve Martin, Wellington CO, (see memorial on next page)

PAGE 10 . . . . . .

8-7-11 Steve Martin, Wellington CO
In loving memory of my climbing partner Carolyn Randall, who died 3 years ago today,
while descending from the summit of the Matterhorn during a violent electrical storm.
She died on her birthday. She would have been 60 today. Carolyn, I love you.
You are here with me today on Washakie Needle, a peak that long ago attracted your attention and fancy,
and you will be with me on all my future mountains. Steve.

PAGES 11 - 42 are blank

I photographed each page in case the original gets “lost” in whatever archive it is placed.
If you’d like a .doc file of the text of this post, or the photos, let me know.

I assume Steve placed a new register to replace the old.
I assume it will fill up at the same slow pace.

        John Mitchler
        Golden, Colorado

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