We received a clipped but very clear message at 1 am today from Dave Pellegrini who said the team was camped at 9,700 ft. by an ice fall and were the only group in the area. They were preparing dinner in 20 degree temps.
On a separate call from Rob to his girlfriend we’ve learned that the team is in high spirits, is well and safe. All were happy that Chris took a bath yesterday. The views on the plane ride from Talkeetna were amazing. The weather has been overcast and foggy which has caused problems with the phone service. TZT has been traveling steady as a rope team which is working well. There are lots of crevasses which makes the disposal of the clear bags (like blue bags) handy.
Tuesday the team passed many other climbers of nearly a dozen nationalities. Reports are of approximately 300 people at 14,000 ft and 200 at 17,000 ft. In the past three weeks the weather has allowed climbers to summit for only a day and a half. Most of the people TZT have passed are heading down after not having reached the summit.
Today TZT plans on moving the cache from Camp 3 to 11,000 ft, then returning for the night.
Wednesday, June 13, 2007