“A very interesting development”
Dave Covill called yesterday afternoon to report “a very interesting development”. The descent on the headwall from 17,000 to 14,000 ft. was “not without incident”, according to Dave. “Beckie took a fall on the fixed ropes and has suffered a severe strain on her right knee.”
The couple spent 45 minutes on the headwall waiting for Chris and Rob with support from Dave P. who had to climb back up for the rescue. The team contacted the park rangers who determined that there was no way Beckie would be able to continue on her own power without making the injury worse, and ordered a helicopter to take her down the mountain.
The remaining TZT members, Dave C. Chris, Rob and Dave P., were going to continue down the mountain as of 1pm yesterday, camp at 7,800 ft., then continue down at 3 am this morning hoping to reach the glacier airstrip by 8 am.
“We’re eating the last of our good food and everyone’s in good spirits. All of us are tired, some of us are nauseous. We are absolutely certain that we made the correct decision not to attempt the summit” reports Dave C., who adds that “Chris is the only one who was strong throughout.”
“The rangers have been wonderful to us. We hope and pray that we’re all off the mountain and can join Beckie in Talkeetna by noon.”
Saturday, June 30, 2007