Tossing frisbees, cookies
Rob posted a dispatch yesterday at 8:30 pm saying that the team had retrieved their cache and were fully camped at 14,200 ft. The second haul around Windy Corner was quite cold and windy. Weather is changeable with temperatures fluctuating as much as 20-degrees in 20-seconds. “We weren’t expecting that.”
The headwall is next, where TZT will decide on whether to camp at 16,200 ft. or continue up to 17,200 ft. “6,100 ft. to go!” says Rob, with pure optimism.
Teams are coming and going through the current camp with those that linger playing frisbee, acclimatizing, relaxing and getting their bearings. Despite some team members reporting bouts of nausea while adjusting to the altitude, “...overall the weather is pleasant. It’s a good environment and all are in good spirits.”
For the non-climbers that are following along let’s pause a bit to take closer look at the photo above and consider that the difference in elevation between Denver, “the mile-high city”, and sea level is less than the difference shown above between the summit of Denali and where the team is now camped. And then consider how much TZT has climbed already.
That Denali, she’s a big girl.
Tuesday, June 19, 2007
6,100 ft.