A view from The Edge of the World
“The team performed fantastically” reports Rob, the Walter Cronkite of the clouds, who called at 9:30 pm yesterday to report that Dave and Chris Covill and he made a half-carry up the headwall to 16,200 ft. to begin setting up the next camp. The first half was steep but the second half was on a fixed line to the ridge. The climb was tough, starting at 2 pm and finishing at 9 pm. but Sunday’s rest was of great benefit.
Beckie and Dave Pellegrini stayed at the 14,200 camp and hiked over for a look from “The Edge of The World”, featuring a 4,000 ft drop. Unfortunately the view was obscured by fog. However, by evening the views of Hunter and Foraker peaks “were fantastic”.
Secondary reports note that there is no Verizon service thus far as expected. Therefore, there may not be any original photos until the team has returned to Colorado. Also, the satellite phone is down to the last battery. Let’s all hope they keep a little juice in the phone for summit day.
Wednesday, June 20, 2007
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