“Everyone’s ready to go”
Yesterday was a rest day at 14,200 ft. to prepare for the move to 17,200 ft. today. From High Camp TZT will be poised for their attempt at the summit. The weather continues to be unpredictable and a storm today may force a change to the schedule.
Beckie and Dave P. again trecked over to the Edge of the World, which is actually an 8,000 ft. drop -- not 4,000 as reported yesterday. Beckie has had two asthma attacks but is feeling better and will continue. Both made a visit to the National Park Service medical tent situated at the camp. Dave reported problems sleeping and there are camp-wide concerns of new avalanches and crevasses as a result of his snoring. He took a pulse oximeter test which showed his blood oxygen to be 90% and a heart rate of 63. The doctor said those were highly unusual numbers and that he’s in great shape.
The population of the camp at 14,200 is thinning though TZT has met climbers from 29 countries so far, with Wales and Sweden adding to the list yesterday. They also met Boulder resident Sean Swarner and his team who were featured on KUNC Channel 9 news in Denver this past week after they had summited as part of his 7th Summit Expedition.
“We’re all rested, in great shape, and everyone’s ready to go” according to Rob.
Thursday, June 21, 2007