- menu 1 (for my Russian colleague Alexei
and his wife Olga).
- menu 2 (for a brunch with my parents.
The menu is completely kosher. I covered the entire kitchen with
metal foil and we ate on paper plates).
- menu 3 (for a farewell lunch when
Edward Earl was laid off during the recent merger).
- menu 4 (for MY farewell lunch when
I was laid off during the recent merger). Does anybody remember
who sponsored the farewell lunch in October, 1995 at Spice's
Thai Cafe even though he was the only one in attendence, among
some fifty people, who neither had his old job NOR had a new one?
- menu 5 (for a dinner to celebrate my
purchase of a new condominium in Del Mar).
- menu 6 (for a party to commemorate my
purchase of a new condominium in Del Mar).