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Census Maps, Expedia Maps,

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Scotts's TR, Richard's TR, TR,
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Idaho Peaks, Idaho Climbing Guide,
OR Highest, CA Highest, NV Peaks,
NE 4,000'ers, 4000'ers (2nd link), State HPers,
Am. Alpine Club, Sierra Peaks Section,
Chessler Books, MountainZone, NY State

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Mountain Guides, Outdoors Survival Gear

County Highpoint Trip Reports

The central repository of trip reports. As of October 2003 over 4,000 trip reports, including several dozen for National Park highpoints, exist on this website or, in a few cases, exist on personal web pages and are linked to. To view county highpoint climbing reports, please click on the relevant state from the following list.

Alabama Florida Kentucky Montana North Dakota Texas
Alaska Georgia Louisiana Nebraska Ohio Utah
Arizona Hawaii Maine Nevada Oklahoma Vermont
Arkansas Idaho Maryland New Hampshire Oregon Virginia
California Illinois Massachusetts New Jersey Pennsylvania Washington
Colorado Indiana Michigan New Mexico Rhode Island West Virginia
Connecticut Iowa Minnesota New York South Carolina Wisconsin
D.C. Kansas Mississippi North Carolina South Dakota Wyoming
Delaware Missouri Tennessee

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Attempting to reach some of the points listed in this web site can be dangerous, and could lead to accidents resulting in injury or death. Some of the summits lie in rugged and isolated regions, where even minor mishaps can escalate into a life threatening crisis. Other locations lie on private property, military bases, and other areas where access is restricted. Trespassing in these areas can result in being arrested, shot at, or worse. Right of access to these areas is constantly changing, and access in the past does not guarantee present access. By use of these web pages, the reader hereby releases the trip report authors, trip report compiler, and webmaster from liability for any injury, including but not limited to monetary loss, death, and other damages that might in any way be connected with this web site.